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Informatic Practices

PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 1:35 pm
by scorpionmanace
hey frnds.........
give a solution to this problem?????

write a function which accepts a integer value and checks whether it is a prime number or not...........
do the program in visual basic c++ students can also try this out........

also write a fuction in visual basic to print twin prime numbers till integer passed as argument.........
eg. 3,5
prime numbers having gap of two

all the best for Computer science and Informatic practices exams frnds

Informatic Practices

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 11:19 am
by punkdeepu
hey msn cud u help me to get an ip project i m in great need of it man plzzz help me it shul have oracle a a back end plzzz help me or else i will fail man plzz help me vb as front end and oracle as back end contact me at mailto:[email protected]